ICG has been recognized as one of the top 10 Insurtech Companies in Europe. This recognition is the result of the work of our team, which also includes customers like you who constantly look for excellence and encourage us to improve every day.
The award was assigned to ICG for its “ability to interpret the new needs of the insurance market using high-tech tools based on Artificial Intelligence”.
One of the Company’s flagship products is “Horus”, an advanced image analysis engine based on recurring artificial neural networks.

Artificial Intelligence in Insurance Market
What makes Horus a front-runner in the insurance industry is its ability to read contracts and insurance related documents for fast-pacing the process of underwriting workflows.
The tool can read images, documents, invoices, and medical reports, and further identify and label them to return textual information in a storable format.Horus imitates the way the brain learns from incidents, identifying visual information contained in images.
Trained to detect insurance frauds like falsified documents and recognize manipulated images, Horus differentiates between heavy and light damages after the user uploads photos of the accident. Following the upload, Horus analyzes those images, evaluates the type of damage, estimates repairing intervention both in terms of cost and time, checks the simulated output with an expert, and finally gets the claim processed.
Horus makes it possible to process complex and mass claims automatically, without any human intervention.The tool simplifies the processes that are associated with insurance claims and reduces the time and costs that come coherently with accidents.